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The Future of Nutrition Data: Welcome to the Great Disruption
(Sponsored Satellite Program)

Nutrition data is about to undergo dramatic changes. While many scientific disciplines such as genetics, metabolomics and the microbiome have seen seismic advances in the quantity, quality and access to the data at the heart of their research, nutrition science data has lagged behind.

As scientists and researchers, your work is leading the need for change.

  • How is nutrition science demanding better data?

  • What’s the path forward?

  • What will the future look like?

Nutrition data is about to become more accessible, more complete, more robust and more connected. Learn about the current data landscape and opportunities. Explore how advances in data will bridge the gap to precision nutrition. Discover the ‘not so distant’ future trends that will impact your work and productivity. The disruption is here!

Featured Speakers:
Chair – Dr Adam Drenowski
Co-Chairs  - Dr David Heber, Dr Britt Burton-Freeman and Dr. Donald Layman

This presentation is also available as a course on ASN's DiscoverNUTRITION website

Nutrient Institute is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

©2023 Nutrient Institute. All rights reserved.

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